Будьте готовы к ... новому Нео-реализму! / Король Лев (The Lion King) :: песочница политоты :: путин :: многаанглицкихбукоф :: что :: так :: это :: сделали :: пендосы :: YouTube :: Мультфильмы :: политика (политические новости, шутки и мемы)

путин песочница политоты Король Лев Мультфильмы YouTube пендосы это что песочница удалённое ...политика многаанглицкихбукоф сделали так 

Будьте готовы к ... новому Нео-реализму!

Be prepared... for a New Neo-Realism!,Travel & Events,putin,crimea,ukraine,referendum,scar,lion king,be prepared,realism,functionalism,neo-functionalism,the lion king,russia,russian federation,eu,usa,g8,g9,global politics,politics,international relations,international affairs,diplomacy,economics,Putin sings to us about his plans for the future. Lyircs: Putin: The world has become so complacent Functionalism is toasting because we lost our head But I will "spill over" all your glasses For realism is where it's really at. Russia was down on its knees But then came Putin, the Best I conquered the oil and the gasses To flush away the West! Demonizing minorities like LGBTs Slapping out the free market with my visible hand Preparing for war again I shall re-conquer Ex-Soviet land! EU: But what about integration and functionalism?! Putin: Don't make me laugh. Putin: Crimea will be invaded A referendum orchestrated Back in the 20th century the west was all like "Sovereignty of the people" or we put our relations on hold But they forgot! Gas is Gold! Ukraine: Yes! Gas is Gold! Ha-ha, gas is... Wait, invade me?! Putin: Yes, invade you. Crimea is Russian! Ukraine: But only because the Soviet Union relocated... Putin: Shut up with your whining, the balance of power must be re-established! Ex-Warsaw Pact: Yes, finally a real balance again! Real balance, la-la-la-la-la-la! Putin: Idiots! There will be no balance! Ex-Warsaw Pact: But you said... Putin: We shall become a new Hegemon! Join Russia, and you shall never freeze again! Ex-Warsaw Pact: Hurray! No more cold winters! Long live Russia, long live Russia! Completely drunk by Vodka, we shall invade any country we please! Putin: Don't forget to pay your gas bills, And you may join us in our rise. Ah and one thing I nearly forgot about That lies heavily on my red fate It's located in South-East Europe: Kosovo will never be a free state! So be prepared for a newly rising A New Neo-Realism Destroying all international relations For geopolitics is where it's at The bear from the East has awoken And it has grown hungry, while you have grown fat! And if they should try to fence against me They will learn what a Russian Winter feels like Ded Moros is waiting for them We will have it warm while they shall feel the cold Gas is Gold!
путин,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы,песочница политоты,Король Лев,The Lion King,Мультфильмы,YouTube,пендосы,сделали,это,так,что,многаанглицкихбукоф,песочница,удалённое
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Троллинг против Путина!!!!!.mp4,Nonprofit,,Задумывались почему так много плохих комментариев про Путина?! Смотрите, узнаете. ))))))

путин политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы тролли пендосы песочница

Троллинг против Путина!!!!!.mp4,Nonprofit,,Задумывались почему так много плохих комментариев про Путина?! Смотрите, узнаете. ))))))